4 March 2023 | 10:00AM Central | Vintage Flying Museum Fort Worth, TX

Please join in us in welcoming and listening to the stories and history that Harold “Hal” Monk was involved in during his eclectic career in the military, aviation, private investigating, and as an attorney.
Hal’s love of airplanes started when he was six years old. He had an after-school job at the Temple Airport at the age of 13 helping around the FBO in various activities. He took his conducted his first solo flight on his 14th birthday in a 65HP Taylorcraft. He forged his way into the Army and then the US Air Force at the age of 15 where he worked on a C-82 crew.
Later in life he worked as a private investigator in Fort Worth, and later went on to pass the Texas Bar exam to become an attorney and work in various public and private roles. He worked on a number of high profile cases across the country that included the defense of Jack Ruby, the exhumation of Lee Harvey Oswald, and working with Zsa Zsa Gabor. By the way, he achieved all of this without going to law school.
Some other career highlights:
– Administrative Law Judge, Texas Merit System Council
– Executive Assistant to Texas Attorney General
– Country & Western Disk Jockey on Radio Station KXOL in Bryan
– Journalist; Bryan Daily Eagle, Austin American Statesman and Jackson Mi. State Times